Spamsieve for mac problems with airmail 3
Spamsieve for mac problems with airmail 3

spamsieve for mac problems with airmail 3

Mailmate has a dizzying array of other options which I don’t need. Even their beta has no further options in this regard. Seems that its biggest problem with signatures is the cut and paste and HTML code want the code input resident in a certain place but doesn’t put it there on its own in macOS. Mailmate’s signature HTML formatting while looking nice, doesn’t work well at all, possibly because it’s rooted in HTML 1.0 transitional and my code is HTML5 (not worth converting or troubleshooting further). So narrowed down the choices to two possible replacements to Mail in my user machine - Airmail and Mailmate. Other than the cost of Airmail and lack of a one time purchase option, I’m satisfied with performance of the app and features, in my workflow. Though Airmail charges for a SpamSieve plug-in of their own, and filtering/emptying of the JunkMail folders is a setting I haven’t figured out (yet) within Airmail, I no longer have to worry about either of these for the transition.

SPAMSIEVE FOR MAC PROBLEMS WITH AIRMAIL 3 FULL also gives it a go, but doesn’t appear to support a full html coded document with local graphics. An internet stored graphic is deemed to be dangerous and spam-like, which I can understand. Mailmate gave it their best try that I’ve seen, but also fails to reproduce a local sourced graphic from an html document. There is no perfect answer for a markdown based signature, coded in html that works perfectly in the tested cases and is robust enough to appear correctly on ALL mail readers. The big issues found in my quest is that there is no perfect solution for support and for signatures features in email clients. There have been others, so I beg your indulgence for not finding others before starting yet another one. This particular thread is one I began on, BTW. Not a fan of monthly or even yearly subscription for email clients. Of the apps actually tried (Airmail, Mailmate, GyazMail) and of course Mail, Airmail is the only one that is by subscription.

spamsieve for mac problems with airmail 3

Speaking of Airmail, it is paid by a subscription fee, $30/year.

Spamsieve for mac problems with airmail 3